What is the NBN Australia?

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In today’s screen-centric world, high speed broadband network is an absolute necessity. For a decade now, the Australian government has been working to ensure faster, and more reliable network, regardless of where you live. If you’ve followed the news though, you’ll notice the language is filled with more acronyms and jargons than most people can comprehend. The aim of this guide is to demystify them for you, so you can make an informed decision about switching data plans. First things firsts.


What is the NBN Australia?


It means National Broadband Network. It’s the government’s (i.e task payer funded) overhaul of the nation’s broadband. It began in 2009, and is expected to be completed by 2020.


Why is it a Big Deal?


Virtually all Aussies know how bad the internet is, from high costs in a select few providers, to lost signals if you travel. The NBN is replacing the copper wires that caused these poor internet connections with modern infrastructure made with fiber-based materials.


Bear in mind that the copper wires previously used weren’t initially intended for the internet, so they’ve always struggled to process the large amounts of data that internet usage requires. Copper wires also have distance limitations. The farther you are from the telephone exchange, the fainter your internet connection becomes. Plus, the new fiber-based internet cables will be underground, so you don’t have to worry about lost signals during bad weather and they have a good battery also at NBN battery for sale at EnerSys Australia.


What are the Different Types of NBN Connections?


Note that these connections are assigned, so you don’t really get to choose.


FTTP – Fiber to the Premise


Probably the most reliable internet connection. You’ll have a utility box right outside your home, with fiber optic cables, connecting your home directly to the NBN.


FTTN – Fiber to the Node


Your neighborhood will have a cabinet, through which all homes access the internet. From the cabinet, existing copper cables leading to your home will be connected to give you access to the NBN.


Some neighborhoods use FTTC, meaning the cabinet box is outside their street and the connection is farther. Really big buildings will use FTTB, which connects from the basement.